Thursday, April 14, 2011

Knitting 101

Using this tutorial, I have learned to knit. Of course, I am still definitely a beginner, but it is so much fun. It was easy to learn the basics of knitting with her tutorials. My 10 year old daughter has learned also and loves it. Now when I need a lazy escape with a movie, I have another way to still be productive with my hands.

My kids love to wear beanies, not that we need warm hats much in the desert, so they think I am super cool now that I can make them hats by request. I hope to keep learning more about knitting and learn to make more wonderful things!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Deadly Upholstery

First you start out with a really stained dining room chair seat, get the fabric you want to cover it with, borrow someone else's staple gun, use it incorrectly and....

staple yourself in the leg, THROUGH your jeans, take a few pictures... finish your project and pat yourself on the back cause you are very pleased with the end result, minus the two holes in your leg.

There's nothin like putting sweat and blood into your work, right? Well, Jessi was helping me re-upholster my dining room chair. Thanks for the help and memories Jessi!