Monday, August 9, 2010

Vintage Dress Refashion

Dandi inherited a bunch of vintage dresses from her hubby's grandmother. Some of them are darling the way they are and others need a bit of help.

This is one of the dresses... a bit scary, but not lacking potential.

We figured out how long of a skirt Dandi wanted and chopped off the top. Then I finished the top edge and did several rows of shirring to create the stretchy waist. I added a few belt loops to run the sash through and voila... a fun new skirt.


  1. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's so much cuter than that. Thanks Steph!

  2. I love that skirt. it looks like some chic trendy/vintage thing you'd see... i don't know where you'd see it, but it would be somewhere cool.

  3. You gals are SO fun! I love all of your "stuff"! xo
