Thursday, June 14, 2012

Freezer Paper is Great!

My daughter, Sara, wanted to make a baby gift too.  She found an idea she liked and designed her own version of it.  She wanted to hand sew felt letters of the baby's name.  She searched through fonts until she found the one she wanted, and printed it out.  She traced it onto freezer paper.

She cut out the letters,

ironed them onto the felt and cut them out (double thickness, for a front and back of each letter).
Using embroidery floss she stitched the fronts and backs together, stuffing them as she sewed.  

It came out super cute!  She learned a lot and had a great time.  I was really proud of her hard work and efforts planning and executing her gift idea.  Great Job Sara!

Harry Potter in Fabric Paint

My baby brother and his wife are expecting later this summer.  He is a huge Harry Potter fan, (who isn't?) so I thought it would be fun mix baby clothes with H.P.  I had never used freezer paper before, but had seen it used with fabric paint lots of times online.  I decided to give it a whirl!  I got a H.P. font and printed out a couple of  fun phrases to use.  I traced it onto the freezer paper and then carefully cut out the letters with a  craft knife.  It took a while to do, but wasn't very hard.  It would have been easier with a simpler font, but I really wanted this one.
After it was cut out I carefully ironed it onto the shirt, making sure to get it centered.  

Using a sponge brush and fabric paint, I gently dabbed the paint on. Do not brush the paint on, this helps keep it from getting under the freezer paper.  I used  a hair drier to speed up the drying process so I could put on a second coat of paint, and dried it again. 

Then I slowly peeled off the freezer paper.  It was scary to peel off.  I was so worried that the paint had leaked under it or that the letters would peel off, but it came out beautifully!  

I will definitely do this again.  It was fun and really very easy.