Monday, April 28, 2014

Pre-Prom Date Shirts

Josh has a fun day planned for his prom date, which includes a fun adventure in the morning, before prom. It's a surprise so I can't say more, but they designed and made shirts to wear on their pre-prom date. I had a friend cut them out for me on her Silhouette so I didn't have to do it with an X-Acto knife this time. Hooray! 

I ironed the freezer paper cutout onto the shirts and then showed them how to paint them.  We did three layers of Tulip Soft Fabric Paint, drying it really well with a hair drier in between layers.  Then carefully peeled off the freezer paper.

They turned out AWESOME!  Josh and Brittany were super happy with the shirts.

I think that it was a really cute idea and that they will look great while they are out having fun.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Learning your Family History with Games for Kids

I've been really focused on family history lately.  It's so fun!!  I also wanted my kids to be involved and to learn about and have a relationship with their ancestors, some of which are alive and others passed on.  I decided to make a matching game (idea from Stephanie) with pictures on one card and names, dates, and/or facts on the other card.  Some of the people were repeated, but at a different age or with spouse.
Well, we played it as a family last night and it was a hit.   They are beginning to learn their names and faces and some stories.
(This is just one family line...4 generations in the pics. Once this one is mastered, we'll move on to another line.)

So today, with all my still over flowing enthusiasm and excitement from last night, I made a "Don't Eat Pete" game board with 6 generations, including my kids.  As they guessed which picture was chosen, they had to say who the people in the pictures were, until they found "Pete."  We play with M&Ms.  They didn't want to stop because of the candy, probably, and I didn't want to stop because they were learning the names and faces of their family tree.   Too awesome!  I'm going to get both laminated, so they will last longer.