Friday, June 18, 2010


This was a shirt of Todd's that he was getting rid of... Here is a blog with instructions and a lot of cute variations.
This used to be a skirt for me... now a dress for Lill Was velvet dress for Lilli and a scary sparkly shirt that my mom was getting rid of... Now a skirt for Lilli.

Was a skirt I got an clearance for about $3, but a size XXXX-something. Now a dress for Lilli and the old zipper became little rosettes. I also made matching hair flowers out of extra fabric.


  1. You've really done a lot of cool refashions. I just need to get brave and experiment.

  2. I especially like the zipper flowers. All of it's so cute.

  3. I am very impressed. Your family amazes me all the time.

  4. You have been very busy. Too Cute!
